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Podcast Profile: Futuremakers

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50 episodes
2018 to 2023
Median: 49 minutes
Collection: SciPhi-Adjacent

Description (podcaster-provided):

Welcome to Futuremakers, from the University of Oxford, where our academics debate key issues for the future of society.
Season Four: Brain and Mental Health
Season Three: The History of Pandemics
Season Two: Climate Change
Season One: Artificial Intelligence
Special Episode: A brief history of Quantum Computing

Themes and summary (AI-generated based on podcaster-provided show and episode descriptions):

➤ AI and technology advancements • Climate change and solutions • History of pandemics • Brain and mental health • Suicide prevention • Young people's mental health • Workplace wellbeing • Maternal mental health

"Futuremakers," a podcast from the University of Oxford, delves into the pressing issues and challenges shaping our society's future. The podcast is hosted by academics who bring their expertise to discussions on a variety of pivotal topics across different seasons.

The fourth season focuses on brain and mental health. Episodes address critical subjects such as suicide prevention, mental health advocacy, and support for the mental health of young people. Conversations include evidence-based strategies for preventing self-harm, the impact of trauma on mental health in crisis contexts, workplace wellbeing, and the mental health challenges faced by adolescents and young people. Discussions also explore the mental health of women during the postnatal period and approaches to brain injury rehabilitation.

The third season centers on the history of pandemics and the lessons they offer for contemporary society. The podcast revisits historical and modern pandemics, ranging from the Plague of Athens and Justinian, through the Black Death, Smallpox, Cholera, to the more recent outbreaks of 'Russian' Flu, 'Spanish' Flu, HIV/AIDS, Ebola, and Coronavirus. It also considers a hypothetical Disease X, recognized by the World Health Organization as a potential cause of future pandemics.

The second season tackles climate change from multiple angles. The podcast covers topics such as climate migration, the future of food amidst climate changes, international climate agreements like the Paris Accord, and the evolving role of nuclear energy. Other discussions include legal actions against environmental neglect, climate-related conflicts, and the role of individual actions versus systemic changes in combating climate change.

The inaugural season discusses the advancements and ethical considerations surrounding artificial intelligence (AI). Episodes delve into the automation of jobs, the potential biases in AI algorithms, AI's impact on healthcare, and the role of AI in financial sectors. Furthermore, they explore the development and global competition in AI, its implications for the future, and the historical journey from early computational theories to contemporary AI technologies.

Overall, "Futuremakers" presents a comprehensive exploration of significant societal challenges, providing insights and research-driven discussions on mental health, historical and contemporary pandemics, climate change, and artificial intelligence.

Episode Image S4 Ep9: Evidence-based strategies for suicide and self-harm prevention with Professor Seena Fazel
36 minutes
Episode Image S4 Ep8: Suicide prevention and mental health advocacy with Ben West
27 minutes
Episode Image S4 Ep7: Supporting the mental health of young people with Cynthia Germanotta, Dr Claudia-Santi F. Fernandes and Professor Mina Fazel
49 minutes
Episode Image S4 Ep6: Protecting mental health in crisis contexts with Benjamin Perks and Sabine Rakotomalala
57 minutes
Episode Image S4 Ep5: Workplace wellbeing with Professor Jan-Emmanuel De Neve
35 minutes
Episode Image S4 Ep4: Building resilient mental health in the workplace with Sir John Kirwan
39 minutes
Episode Image S4 Ep3: Childhood and adolescent anxiety with Professor Cathy Creswell and Associate Professor Polly Waite
43 minutes
Episode Image S4 Ep2: Maternal mental health with Professor Marian Knight and Professor Fiona Alderdice
48 minutes
Episode Image S4 Ep1: Brain injury and rehabilitation with Jenny Clarke and Professor Heidi Johansen-Berg
36 minutes
Episode Image S3 Ep11: History of Pandemics: Coronavirus and ‘Disease X’
83 minutes
Episode Image S3 Ep10: History of Pandemics: Ebola
50 minutes
Episode Image S3 Ep9: History of Pandemics: HIV and AIDS
51 minutes
Episode Image S3 Ep8: History of Pandemics: The 'Spanish' Flu
47 minutes
Episode Image S3 Ep7: History of Pandemics: The 'Russian' Flu
45 minutes
Episode Image S3 Ep6: History of Pandemics: Cholera and John Snow
38 minutes
Episode Image S3: Mid-series break: a message from Professor Sir John Bell
1 minute
Episode Image S3 Ep5: History of Pandemics: Smallpox, and Jenner
43 minutes
Episode Image S3 Ep4: History of Pandemics: The Great Plague
66 minutes
Episode Image S3 Ep3: History of Pandemics: The Black Death
45 minutes
Episode Image S3 Ep2: History of Pandemics: The Plague of Justinian
55 minutes
Episode Image S3 Ep1: History of Pandemics: Athens: the first plague?
46 minutes
Episode Image S3: The Future after COVID-19
41 minutes
Episode Image S2 Ep15: Live Special: Artificial Intelligence Q&A
29 minutes
Episode Image S2 Ep14: Will climate migration lead to conflict?
39 minutes
Episode Image S2 Ep13: Climate change: What is the future of our food?
65 minutes
Episode Image S2 Ep12: COP 25 – what happened?
21 minutes
Episode Image S2 Ep11: Mark Carney on Climate Change
24 minutes
Episode Image S2 Ep10: Solving climate change... nature or technology?
58 minutes
Episode Image S2 Ep9: Is climate conflict inevitable?
49 minutes
Episode Image S2 Ep8: Climate change: Who should we sue?
56 minutes
Episode Image S2 Ep7: Can we be green and capitalist?
88 minutes
Episode Image S2 Ep6: Should nuclear power be part of our energy system?
62 minutes
Episode Image S2 Ep5: What did the Paris Climate Agreement change?
64 minutes
Episode Image S2 Ep4: Climate change: do individual actions matter?
55 minutes
Episode Image S2 Ep3: How do you build a greener country?
59 minutes
Episode Image S2 Ep2: Climate change and politics - why haven’t we done more?
55 minutes
Episode Image S2 Ep1: Twelve years to climate disaster?
66 minutes
Episode Image S2: Trailer: Futuremakers season two coming soon...
1 minute
Episode Image Could quantum computing change the world?
46 minutes
Episode Image S1 Ep10: Season Finale: AI selection box
105 minutes
Episode Image S1 Ep9: Is China leading the way in AI?
46 minutes
Episode Image S1 Ep8: What does AI mean for the future of humanity?
60 minutes
Episode Image S1 Ep7: Has AI changed the way we find the truth?
64 minutes
Episode Image S1 Ep6: From Ada Lovelace to Alan Turing – the birth of AI?
71 minutes
Episode Image S1 Ep5: Should AI have gender?
61 minutes
Episode Image S1 Ep4: Is AI good for our health?
48 minutes
Episode Image S1 Ep3: Is the banking sector about to change for ever?
63 minutes
Episode Image S1 Ep2: Are all algorithms biased?
71 minutes
Episode Image S1 Ep1: How will the automation of jobs progress?
65 minutes
Episode Image Trailer: season one launching 22nd October!
less than a minute