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Podcast Profile: The State of The Universe

Show Image SiteRSSApple Podcasts
81 episodes
2018 to 2021
Median: 81 minutes
Collection: Physics, Math, and Astronomy

Description (podcaster-provided):

Science moves at an impossibly fast pace. It will leave you wondering, what is the state of the universe? Wonder no more! Learn from researchers working at the cutting edge of scientific advancement about everything from the robot takeover to the big bang only on The State of The Universe podcast.

Themes and summary (AI-generated based on podcaster-provided show and episode descriptions):

➤ Cutting-edge science • Physics • Astronomy • Space exploration • Artificial intelligence • Climate change • Theoretical discussions • Scientific discoveries • Interviews with experts • Book recommendations • Science outreach

The podcast "The State of The Universe" delves into a wide array of topics primarily centered around scientific exploration and discovery. Its show description highlights an ambition to keep up with the rapidly advancing pace of scientific knowledge, inviting listeners to explore cutting-edge developments ranging from particle physics to climate science.

Episodes feature expert guests from various scientific fields discussing topics such as astrophysics, cosmology, space exploration, and artificial intelligence. Several episodes focus on recent experiments and theories, including the implications of new findings from the Muon g-2 experiment and the intricacies of the Standard Model of particle physics. The podcast also examines celestial phenomena, touching on the nature of black holes, gravitational waves, and the origins of galaxies, often through the lens of contributions from distinguished astrophysicists and physicists.

Space exploration is a recurring theme, with discussions on NASA’s ventures, the complications of manned missions to Mars, and the potential for life on moons like Europa. The podcast also addresses the evolving role of commercial spaceflight and the technological advancements required to further our extraterrestrial endeavors.

In addition to the hard sciences, the podcast ventures into the social implications and cultural intersections within scientific fields. For example, episodes might discuss the integration of jazz in understanding physics or explore monoculture problems in science and the efforts toward greater diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Artificial intelligence is another significant topic, with episodes examining both its capabilities and ethical concerns. The discussions often involve how AI might impact industry and society, cautioning on the necessity of regulations and ethical considerations.

Finally, the series doesn't shy away from addressing contemporary concerns like climate change, explaining its connection to natural phenomena such as hurricanes and the potential future impact on global weather patterns. Overall, the podcast encapsulates a broad spectrum of current scientific thought, practice, and future possibilities.

Episode Image #86 - Dr. Dan Hooper - New Physics or Faulty Calculations? All About the Muon g-2 Experiment
64 minutes
Episode Image #85 - Dr. Stephon Alexander - Black Holes, Supersymmetry, and all that Jazz
89 minutes
Episode Image #84 - Nate Stewart - America's Back (in Space), Baby!
74 minutes
Episode Image #83 - Dr. Ethan Siegel - ʻOumuamua, Aliens, and The Scientific Commandments
89 minutes
Episode Image #82 - Dr. Brian Keating - The Everlasting Lessons from Galileo's Life
77 minutes
Episode Image #81 - Dr. Daniel Whiteson - The Standard Model and Its Many Quirks!
101 minutes
Episode Image Why This Universe? - Please Stop Emailing Dan About MOND!
33 minutes
Episode Image #80 - Dr. Jeyhan Kartaltepe - Galaxies, Galaxies, and More Galaxies!
68 minutes
Episode Image #79 - Dr. Dan Hooper - Did NASA Really Detect a Parallel Universe!?!?
88 minutes
Episode Image #78 - Brian McNoldy - Hurricanes and Climate Change, What's the Connection?
80 minutes
Episode Image #77 - Dr. Maura McLaughlin - Detecting the Ripples from Merging Supermassive Black Holes
84 minutes
Episode Image #76 - Peter Haas - Artificial Intelligence Should Scare You!
91 minutes
Episode Image #75 - Dr. Kevin Peter Hand - Exploring Alien Oceans
103 minutes
Episode Image #74 - Bernie Taylor - Finding the Origin of Dogs
90 minutes
Episode Image #73 - Nate Stewart - The Difficulties of Getting to Mars!
81 minutes
Episode Image #71 - Dr. Joel Kastner - Watching Planets Form!
79 minutes
Episode Image #70 - Dr. Mike Poland - Yellowstone: The Gravity of the Situation
95 minutes
Episode Image #69 - Dr. David Warmflash - Let's Rover the Moon!
110 minutes
Episode Image #68 - Nate Stewart - The Rituals of Spaceflight!
84 minutes
Episode Image #67 - Dr. David Fisher - How Human Spaceflight is Returning to the United States in 2020
115 minutes
Episode Image #66 - Dr. Dan Hooper - Can We Answer the Biggest Questions in Astrophysics?
115 minutes
Episode Image #65 - Dr. Josh Willis - OMG: The Oceans are Melting Greenland!
80 minutes
Episode Image #64 - Bernie Taylor - Building the Thirty Meter Telescope: Unifying Science and Spirituality
68 minutes
Episode Image #63 - Dr. Brian Keating - What Existed Before the Big Bang?
71 minutes
Episode Image #62 - There May Not be a Clear Solution to Climate Change!
41 minutes
Episode Image #61 - Dr. Sara Mazrouei - How The Moon Teaches us About Our Past!
86 minutes
Episode Image #60 - Artificial Intelligence is Biased Because We Are! | Featuring Dr. Chris Kulp
18 minutes
Episode Image #59 - July 2019 was the Hottest Month on Record, How do we Know That?
61 minutes
Episode Image #58 - Dr. John Hoopes - Pseudo-archeology Tries to Rewrite History; From Mayan 2012 "Prophecies" to Ancient Aliens.
103 minutes
Episode Image #57 - What Will Happen if The James Webb Space Telescope Fails? | Featuring Dr. Nathalie Ouellette
22 minutes
Episode Image #56 - Dr. Chris Kulp - Machine Learning and the Big Data Revolution!
103 minutes
Episode Image #55 - Is 5G Safe? | The Hottest June on Record has Passed!
55 minutes
Episode Image #54 - We Chose to go to The Moon 50 Years Ago! IT'S TIME WE GO AGAIN!
61 minutes
Episode Image #53 - Dr. Nathalie Ouellette - Exoplanets and the James Webb Space Telescope
95 minutes
Episode Image #52 - Could Fast Radio Bursts be Aliens?, Helicopters on Mars, Quadcopters on Titan, and Buying Tickets to the ISS!
103 minutes
Episode Image #50 - Why did we Stop Going to the Moon? | Featuring Dr. David Fisher
19 minutes
Episode Image #49 - Dr. Duncan Lorimer - What are Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs)?
93 minutes
Episode Image #48 - Dr. David Fisher - We Must Return to The Moon!
123 minutes
Episode Image #47 - The Pull Out Method... Works?
52 minutes
Episode Image #46 - Getting LIGO Funded | Featuring Dr. Rai Weiss | TSOTU Short
16 minutes
Episode Image #45 - Dr. David Warmflash - The History and Future of our Relationship with the Moon!
101 minutes
Episode Image #44 - Nate Stewart - We're Returning to the Moon!
91 minutes
Episode Image #43 - Exploring the Pseudoscience Spectrum!
112 minutes
Episode Image #42 - Dr. Rai Weiss - Detecting Gravitational Waves and Winning a Nobel Prize in the Process
68 minutes
Episode Image #41 - Can We Remove Carbon from the Atmosphere? | Featuring Dr. Stephen Pacala | TSOTU Short
11 minutes
Episode Image #40 - Climate Change is Happening! Why Deny it? | Featuring Dr. Matt Fitzpatrick | TSOTU Short
10 minutes
Episode Image #39 - Searching for Life on Europa | TSOTU Short
14 minutes
Episode Image #38 - Dr. Matt Fitzpatrick - The Climate will feel very Different in 60 Years!
77 minutes
Episode Image #37 - How the Seasonal Flu Vaccine is Made featuring Dr. Peter Barlow | TSOTU Clip
8 minutes
Episode Image #36 - Where could we find Life Beyond Earth?
107 minutes
Episode Image #35 - Is the Yellowstone Supervolcano due for an Eruption? featuring Dr. Michael Poland - TSOTU Clip
8 minutes
Episode Image #34 - Bernie Taylor - The Influence of Biological Time on Intelligent Life and how it could Change our View of Potentially Habitable Exoplanets
102 minutes
Episode Image #33 - Discovering the First Fast Radio Burst featuring Dr. Duncan Lorimer - TSOTU Clips
14 minutes
Episode Image #32 - Nate Stewart - How America is Returning to Human Spaceflight and The Purpose of the Lunar Gateway
65 minutes
Episode Image #31 - The Importance of Radical Ideas in Science featuring Dr. Priya Natarajan - TSOTU Clip
10 minutes
Episode Image #30 - How to Conceptualize a Black Hole featuring Dr. Priya Natarajan - TSOTU Clip
7 minutes
Episode Image #29 - Dr. Priya Natarajan - Dark Energy, Dark Matter, Black Holes, and Recognition in Science
84 minutes
Episode Image #28 - Dr. Peter Barlow - Curing the Common Cold, Flu Vaccines, and Pandemics
61 minutes
Episode Image #27 - Dr. Julia Young - How History Can Help Us Understand Modern Immigration to the U.S.
92 minutes
Episode Image #26 - Brendan Gets Interviewed - Black Holes, Aliens, Fast Radio Bursts, and Flat Earthers
109 minutes
Episode Image #25 - Understanding Black Holes: What We Know and What We May Never Know
55 minutes
Episode Image #24 - 2018 Climate Change Recap, Fast Radio Bursts, and Putting Solar Panels on Trump's Wall
103 minutes
Episode Image #23 - China on the Moon, Government Shutdown, and The ISS Hole
80 minutes
Episode Image #22 - Dr. Aysha Akhtar - The Impact of Factory Farming and Animal Testing on Human Health
98 minutes
Episode Image #21 - Nate Stewart - How Commercialization of Space Travel Can Lead Us To The New Space Age
105 minutes
Episode Image #20 - Dr. Stephen Pacala - Understanding Our Changing Climate and Carbon Mitigation
88 minutes
Episode Image #19 - Nate Stewart - Climate Change and Revitalizing Space Exploration
78 minutes
Episode Image #18 - Dr. Ken Miller - Science Denial, Free Will, and Finding Common Ground Between God and Evolution
96 minutes
Episode Image #17 - Dr. Michael Poland - Monitoring the Yellowstone Supervolcano and Predicting Eruptions
72 minutes
Episode Image #16 - Dr. Maura McLaughlin - Gravitational Waves, NANOGrav and the Pulsar Search Collaboratory
84 minutes
Episode Image #15 - Dr. Duncan Lorimer - Pulsars, Discovering Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs), and Creating Music
96 minutes
Episode Image #12 - Bernie Taylor - Before Orion, The First Astronomers, Astrology, and Recognizing Genius
104 minutes
Episode Image #10 - Dr. Sam Sternberg - CRISPR, GMO's, and Bioethics
56 minutes
Episode Image #9 - Dr. Brian Keating - Reforming the Nobel Prize
46 minutes
Episode Image #8 - James Barrat - Will Artificial Intelligence Destroy Us?
40 minutes
Episode Image #6 - Dr. Joan Nichols - Bioengineering Lungs, Health Effects of Space Travel, and Succeeding in Science
96 minutes
Episode Image #5 - Dr. Francis Halzen - Detecting Neutrinos, MultiMessenger Astronomy, and The IceCube Neutrino Observatory
74 minutes
Episode Image #4 - Dr. David Fisher - Space Force, Going Back To The Moon, and Politics
93 minutes
Episode Image #3 - Dr. Darold Treffert - Savant Syndrome, Psychedelics, and Paranormal Experiences
105 minutes
Episode Image #2 - Dr. Nicole Gugliucci - Making Citizen Science Successful, Compensating Citizen Scientists, and Overpopulation
77 minutes
Episode Image #1 - Dr. Chris Kulp - Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos, Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence
110 minutes