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Podcast Profile: Re:thinking

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3 episodes
Median: 48 minutes
Collection: Philosophy

Description (podcaster-provided):

Re:thinking is an interdisciplinary podcast exploring ideas at the intersection of philosophy and technology.

Themes and summary (AI-generated based on podcaster-provided show and episode descriptions):

➤ Philosophy • Technology • Economic Growth • Consciousness • Liberalism • Prediction Markets • Self Deception • Philosophy of Science

Re:thinking is an interdisciplinary podcast that delves into the rich intersections of philosophy and technology. The show aims to foster thoughtful discussions that bridge these two complex fields. The content revolves around deep conversations with experts from various disciplines, exploring wide-ranging topics that challenge conventional perspectives and encourage dynamic, forward-thinking approaches to longstanding questions.

A prominent theme in this podcast is the exploration of economic theory and philosophy. Episodes address the moral and societal implications of economic growth and liberalism, examining how these influence and shape individual and collective responsibilities in contemporary society. Notable scholars and professors bring their expertise to the table, dissecting the nuances of economic policies and systemic frameworks.

Another recurring focus is the philosophy of mind and consciousness. Discussions tackle intricate subjects such as the mind-body problem, conscious realism, and the impact of cognitive processes on our understanding of reality. These conversations often blend philosophical inquiry with scientific perspectives, offering listeners an in-depth view of the debates and theories that drive current research in the field of consciousness studies.

Additionally, the podcast frequently explores the practical applications of philosophical ideas within technological advancements and societal structures. This includes the concept of prediction markets and how they can be used to inform and guide decision-making processes. The analysis of self-deception and its ramifications on both individual behavior and collective outcomes also features prominently.

Overall, Re:thinking presents a platform where economic theories, philosophical questions, and technological implications are rigorously examined. The episodes provide a rich tapestry of ideas that reflect both the diversity and the interconnectedness of contemporary academic and practical challenges.

Episode Image Ep 6 - Tyler Cowen on Economic Growth, Liberalism, and Philosophy
46 minutes
Episode Image Ep 4 - Don Hoffman on the Nature of Consciousness
48 minutes
Episode Image Ep 3 - Robin Hanson on Futarchy, Self Deception, and more
59 minutes