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Podcast Profile: Cool Science Radio

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20 episodes
Median: 51 minutes
Collection: Science

Description (podcaster-provided):

From the discovery of new dinosaurs to the science of an avalanche. From the secret technology behind Facebook, to nanotechnology. Deciphering science and technology in an entertaining, amusing and accessible way. If we can understand it, so can you. Hosted by Lynn Ware Peek and Katie Mullaly.

Themes and summary (AI-generated based on podcaster-provided show and episode descriptions):

➤ Interviews with scientists and authors • Cutting-edge technology and innovation • Astronomy and space exploration • Neuroscience and biology • Environmental science • Physics and cosmology

"Cool Science Radio" is a podcast dedicated to exploring diverse realms of science and technology, offering listeners a chance to grasp complex concepts in an entertaining and accessible manner. Each episode features in-depth discussions with experts from various fields, aiming to bridge the gap between cutting-edge research and public understanding.

Listeners can expect a broad array of topics spanning natural sciences, technology, and their intersections. Regular themes include advancements in physics, exemplified by segments with leading physicists who break down intricate theories and phenomena. Space exploration and astronomy are also frequently covered, with episodes highlighting new discoveries, telescopes, and astronomical events. The field of biology is well represented, particularly breakthroughs in medical technology, discussions about the human body, and the impact of environmental changes on living organisms.

The podcast delves into climate science and environmental issues, addressing both major crises and innovative solutions. Esteemed guests share insights on the implications of climate change and potential mitigative strategies. Similarly, the digital age's influence on society garners significant attention, with dialogues about data privacy, artificial intelligence, and the pros and cons of the digital revolution. Healthcare technology is another recurring subject, illustrating how technological advancements can lead to improved medical outcomes.

Moreover, the show does not shy away from combining science with humanistic perspectives, exploring how scientific endeavors intersect with philosophy, history, and daily life. Episodes frequently feature authors who discuss their recent publications, adding a literary angle to the exploration of scientific topics.

In summary, "Cool Science Radio" covers an extensive spectrum of scientific and technological subjects, bringing forward expert opinions, latest research, and thought-provoking discussions that cater to both science enthusiasts and general listeners seeking to expand their knowledge.

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Cool Science Radio | June 20, 2024
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Cool Science Radio | June 13, 2024
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Cool Science Radio | June 6, 2024
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Cool Science Radio | May 30, 2024
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Cool Science Radio | May 23, 2024
51 minutes
Cool Science Radio | May 16, 2024
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Cool Science Radio | May 9, 2024
52 minutes
Cool Science Radio | May 2, 2024
51 minutes
Cool Science Radio | April 25, 2024
51 minutes
Cool Science Radio | April 18, 2024
52 minutes
Cool Science Radio | April 11, 2024
51 minutes
Cool Science Radio | April 4, 2024
51 minutes
Cool Science Radio | March 28, 2024
51 minutes
Cool Science Radio | March 21, 2024
52 minutes
Cool Science Radio | March 14, 2024
51 minutes
Cool Science Radio | February 29, 2024
48 minutes
Cool Science Radio | February 22, 2024
50 minutes
Cool Science Radio | February 15, 2024
52 minutes
Cool Science Radio | February 8, 2024
51 minutes