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Podcast Profile: Wonder Cupboard

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18 episodes
2018 to 2020
Median: 53 minutes
Collections: PhilosophyScience

Description (podcaster-provided):

Wonder Cupboard asks what science is, how it works, and how it came to be. Elena Falco and Ian Bridgeman present a new topic on the history and philosophy of science every episode.

Themes and summary (AI-generated based on podcaster-provided show and episode descriptions):

➤ History of science • Philosophy of science • Importance of scientific theories • Scientific discoveries • Practical applications of science • Influence of science on society • Guest discussions on science topics

"Wonder Cupboard" is a podcast that dives deep into the history and philosophy of science, hosted by Elena Falco and Ian Bridgeman. The podcast explores a wide array of topics, often blending historical context with modern scientific inquiry. Each episode typically delves into a specific subject, unraveling not just the scientific principles, but also the historical developments and societal impacts associated with it.

Recurring themes include the examination of everyday phenomena through a scientific lens, such as the origin and impact of ice and air conditioning. The podcast also takes a historical approach to prominent scientific concepts and inventions, like lab coats and vaccines, elucidating their evolution and contemporary relevance. Occasionally, the show features notable guest experts to dissect more specialized subjects, ensuring a variety of perspectives.

Philosophical inquiries are also prominent, raising questions like the nature of viruses and whether we live in a simulation. Such questions are approached with both academic rigor and a touch of humor, making complex topics accessible to a broader audience. In addition, the podcast does not shy away from more whimsical or sensational topics, exploring the intriguing intersection of science with cultural and social phenomena, such as the curious history of mesmerism or the aesthetics of beauty in science.

Seasonal and special episodes provide a timely yet thoughtful take on how science intersects with cultural events, such as Christmas or Valentine's Day, highlighting the intertwined relationship between scientific progress and societal norms. The podcast also occasionally deals with controversial and pivotal topics like racial segregation and public health, offering insights into the role of science in social justice.

Overall, "Wonder Cupboard" is a rich tapestry of scientific exploration, historical context, and philosophical debate, aiming to demystify science while revealing its profound influence on human life and society.

Episode Image 018 – Sunbathing
55 minutes
Episode Image 017 – Air Conditioning
56 minutes
Episode Image 016 – Ice
74 minutes
Episode Image 015 – Are Viruses Alive?
48 minutes
Episode Image 014 – Beauty Part 2 with Simon Watt
69 minutes
Episode Image 013 – Beauty Part 1 with Sabine Hossenfelder
51 minutes
Episode Image 012 – Merry Christmas
23 minutes
Episode Image 011 – Vaccines and Power
50 minutes
Episode Image 010 – Do We Live in a Simulation?
59 minutes
Episode Image 009 – Lab Coats
48 minutes
Episode Image 008 – Valentine's Special: Mamie & Kenneth
27 minutes
Episode Image 007 – What Are Numbers?
48 minutes
Episode Image 006 – Mesmerism
69 minutes
Episode Image 005 – What's the Language of Science?
38 minutes
Episode Image 004 – Flat Earth
67 minutes
Episode Image 003 – Sexy Plants
54 minutes
Episode Image 002 – Why Does Science Work?
42 minutes
Episode Image 001 – Galileo
57 minutes