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Podcast Profile: StarDate

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10 episodes
Median: 2 minutes
Collection: Physics, Math, and Astronomy

Description (podcaster-provided):

StarDate, the longest-running national radio science feature in the U.S., tells listeners what to look for in the night sky.

Themes and summary (AI-generated based on podcaster-provided show and episode descriptions):

➤ Astronomy • Space weather • Planetary exploration • Star science • Moon and Mars • Solar system bodies • Constellations • Star distances • Radio science feature

"StarDate" is a long-running national radio science feature that provides listeners with insights into what to observe in the night sky. This podcast explores a wide array of astronomical subjects, delving into the origins and characteristics of celestial bodies both within and beyond our solar system. Episodes discuss the moons and planets, detailing scientific debates about their formation and current observational data. For instance, listeners might learn about the peculiar features and mysterious origins of the moons of Mars, or recent findings about Saturn's largest moon, Titan.

The podcast also covers stars and constellations, offering historical context and notable visual markers to observe in the night sky. Discussions may include lesser-known constellations, their historical background, and the significance of their brightest stars. The scientific method, including how stellar distances are measured and the implications of these measurements, is also a recurring theme.

Space weather is another frequent topic. Episodes explain phenomena like solar storms and their potential impact on Earth's technological infrastructure, discussing current research aimed at mitigating these effects. Similarly, episodes might describe the impact of cosmic events, such as star formation within nebulae, on both a small and galactic scale.

The podcast sometimes narrates the stories of specific space missions and their contributions to our understanding of distant celestial objects. For instance, insights gained from spacecraft flybys of remote solar system bodies are discussed to foster a deeper appreciation of these scientific endeavors.

Overall, "StarDate" combines night sky observation tips with in-depth explorations of astronomical phenomena, historical storytelling, and the latest scientific research, making complex topics accessible to a wide audience with an interest in space and the night sky.

Unsteady Giant
2 minutes
Moon and Jupiter
2 minutes
Moon and Planets
2 minutes
Moon and Mars
2 minutes
The Shield
2 minutes
Solar Protection
2 minutes
Nessie Nebula
2 minutes
2 minutes
Moon and Saturn
2 minutes
Morning Planets
2 minutes