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Podcast Profile: Hostile Worlds: Exploring Space

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12 episodes
2017 to 2018
Median: 18 minutes
Collection: Physics, Math, and Astronomy

Description (podcaster-provided):

Join us on a journey to some of the most inhospitable, humbling, and frighteningly beautiful places in the known universe. Hostile Worlds is a podcast that lets you explore alien landscapes and extra-terrestrial terrain - all from the comfort of your headphones. From the freezing hydrocarbon oceans of Titan, to the scorched, and suffocating wastes of Venus – we’ll take you on an educational and immersive audio tour to all the places you’d die to see… and places you’d die if you saw. You’ll join the crew of The Tardigrade, an all-purpose vehicle that can float, fly, dive, and dig through any environment in the universe. And you’ll learn all the facts you'll ever needed to present yourself as THE space exploration authority down your local pub on a Friday night. Hostile Worlds is a unique documentary/audio drama hybrid – brought to you by the folks at

Themes and summary (AI-generated based on podcaster-provided show and episode descriptions):

➤ Exploring alien landscapes • Space exploration • The Tardigrade spaceship • Educational science facts • Astros and astronomy • Extraterrestrial terrains • Space missions and survival • Scientific interviews and discoveries • Interstellar phenomena

"Hostile Worlds: Exploring Space" is a podcast that offers an immersive auditory experience, inviting listeners to explore some of the universe's most extreme and intriguing environments. Focused on alien landscapes and extraterrestrial terrains, this podcast provides a blend of educational content and dramatic storytelling that transports the audience to places that are both beautiful and perilous. The episodes take listeners on journeys aboard The Tardigrade, an advanced exploration vehicle capable of navigating diverse and hostile environments throughout the cosmos.

Throughout the series, various cosmic bodies are examined in detail, including the hydrocarbon-rich moon Titan, the hostile surface of Venus, and the vastness of deep space. The podcast delves into scientific concepts such as the life cycle of stars, the peculiarities of brown dwarfs, and the intricate workings of our solar system. Expert voices, such as that of Alexander Hayes from Cornell's Astronomy department, add depth with firsthand insights from missions like Cassini-Huygens.

Recurring themes include the extreme conditions found on other planets and moons, the technology and science of space exploration, and the comparative fragility of human existence in the vast universe. The podcast also explores speculative ideas about human survival in space and the potential for life beyond Earth. It addresses practical questions such as the nature of deep space, the functioning of spacesuits, and how sound travels in different planetary atmospheres.

Listeners can expect a mix of facts, practical science, and speculative exploration, all while maintaining an engaging narrative style. The series aims to both educate and captivate, making complex astronomical and space exploration concepts accessible and fascinating to a broad audience.

Episode Image Hostile Worlds 30 Second Trailer
less than a minute
Episode Image Introducing Hostile Worlds
3 minutes
Episode Image Our Small & Fragile Existence | Episode 1
19 minutes
Episode Image A Titan Looms | Episode 2
28 minutes
Episode Image Magic Islands, Cryovolcanoes, & Electric Snow | Episode 3
33 minutes
Episode Image Surviving in Open Space | Episode 4
14 minutes
Episode Image Space, Relatively Speaking | Episode 5
16 minutes
Episode Image The Life cycle of a Star | Episode 6
12 minutes
Episode Image Exploring Venus | Episode 7
22 minutes
Episode Image What Are Brown Dwarfs? Episode 8
11 minutes
Episode Image Here Comes The Sun | Episode 9
23 minutes
Episode Image Hello Sunshine | Episode 10
22 minutes