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Podcast Profile: Open Questions

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10 episodes
Median: 21 minutes
Collection: Philosophy

Description (podcaster-provided):

A podcast about ethics from the Centre for Ethics at the University of Toronto.

Themes and summary (AI-generated based on podcaster-provided show and episode descriptions):

➤ Ethics • Philosophy • Money • Cultural heritage • Sports ethics • Reparations • Philosophical advice • Climate change and children • Humor ethics • Achievements

"Open Questions" is a podcast produced by the Centre for Ethics at the University of Toronto that delves into a variety of ethical dilemmas and philosophical inquiries. The show is framed around exploring significant, often complex questions about societal values, personal responsibilities, and the nature of ethical behavior. Each episode brings together insights from philosophers and ethicists who provide diverse perspectives on issues ranging from the interpersonal to the global.

The podcast addresses the role of money in society, questioning the limitations of finance when it comes to matters of love and health. It probes the ethical implications of commodifying things that are traditionally seen as priceless or sacred. Another recurring theme is the relationship between cultural preservation and ethical imperatives, examining the value and decline of languages and traditions.

Sports and entertainment also come under ethical scrutiny, with discussions on the morality of supporting sports that inflict harm on players and the inherent value spectators derive from them. Questions regarding personal choices and their wider impacts, such as dietary decisions and family planning in the context of climate change, are explored, reflecting the personal dimension of ethical philosophy.

The show also examines the concepts of justice and reparations, analyzing who bears responsibility for rectifying historical injustices and how these reparative actions might be accomplished. It frequently touches on the comedy and controversy surrounding social hierarchies, evaluating why certain individuals or groups are targeted by humor and the ethical boundaries of such practices.

"Open Questions" does not shy away from the meta-ethical, contemplating what defines an achievement and the societal measures of success. The podcast often includes reflective discussions where philosophers share their personal viewpoints and lesser-known philosophical insights, adding a human element to the theoretical discourse.

Overall, the content of this podcast spans a wide array of ethical questions, aiming to shed light on the philosophical underpinnings of everyday actions and broader societal issues. The episodes blend academic rigor with accessible conversation, providing listeners with thought-provoking material that challenges conventional wisdom and encourages deeper reflection on ethical conduct.

Episode Image What Can Money Buy?
40 minutes
Episode Image What's the Value in Preserving Language?
25 minutes
Episode Image What Sports Should We Watch?
26 minutes
Episode Image Can Helping Strangers Make Up For Past Injustices?
22 minutes
Episode Image Bonus Round #1
15 minutes
Episode Image Should I Order the Fish?
20 minutes
Episode Image How Many Children Should Charlotte Have?
19 minutes
Episode Image Why Is It Okay to Make Fun of Elites?
22 minutes
Episode Image Is My 100m Time a Greater Achievement than Usain Bolt's?
19 minutes
Episode Image Open Questions Intro
less than a minute