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Podcast Profile: Women in Math: The Limit Does Not Exist

Show Image SiteRSSApple Podcasts
39 episodes
2016 to 2021
Median: 9 minutes
Collection: Physics, Math, and Astronomy

Description (podcaster-provided):

This podcast is an effort to promote visibility of women in mathematics. Inspired by the fact that women are vast minority in higher mathematics, Women in Math: The Limit Does Not Exist serves to increase enrollment and participation of women in mathematics and STEM courses.

Themes and summary (AI-generated based on podcaster-provided show and episode descriptions):

➤ Biographies of female mathematicians and scientists • Personal experiences of women in STEM • Conversations on overcoming barriers • Educational support and community building • Interviews with women in mathematics

This podcast, titled "Women in Math: The Limit Does Not Exist," focuses on promoting the visibility and participation of women in the fields of mathematics and STEM. Across the episodes, listeners will encounter a rich mix of biographical narratives, personal stories, and insightful interviews. The biographical segments feature influential women mathematicians from various centuries, including pioneers like Ada Lovelace and Katherine Johnson, emphasizing their contributions and the barriers they overcame.

Personal stories from contemporary women in mathematics, such as accounts of overcoming challenges and achieving success, provide inspiration and firsthand perspectives on navigating the field. These narratives often highlight personal resilience and triumph against societal expectations that have historically marginalized women in STEM.

Interviews are another prominent feature, bringing in voices from current students, doctoral candidates, educators, and professionals in data science and other STEM fields. These discussions delve into a range of topics such as the importance of representation, community building, supportive versus unsupportive environments, academic journeys, and career advice. There is also coverage of diverse experiences regarding identity, being a minority in math, and the supportive role of educators and mentors.

The podcast also includes conversations between friends and colleagues, reflecting on shared experiences as women in STEM, exploring topics from educational differences and favorite math classes to broader themes like feminism and academic support systems. Furthermore, the podcast series is enriched with discussions surrounding innovative scientific topics and the future aspirations of the women involved.

Through this blend of biographical sketches, personal anecdotes, and interviews, the podcast aims to educate, inspire, and support women in mathematics, spotlighting both historical figures and contemporary voices in the field.

Episode Image Episode 39 - Donna's Story
6 minutes
Episode Image Episode 38 - An Interview with Eva Loeser (by Eleanor Quirk)
34 minutes
Episode Image Episode 37 - Marie Curie
9 minutes
Episode Image Episode 36 - An Interview Recap of Amy Cakebread by Olivia Myers
23 minutes
Episode Image Episode 35 - A Conversation Between Triplets - Abigail, Lydia, and Rachel Pung
43 minutes
Episode Image Episode 34 - A Conversation Between Anwesha Mukherjee & Naomi Grant
50 minutes
Episode Image Episode 33 - An Interview with Dr. Nichole Schimanski
44 minutes
Episode Image Episode 32 - A Conversation Between Shannon, Kyli, & Kelli
85 minutes
Episode Image Episode 31 - Mary Cartwright
8 minutes
Episode Image Episode 30 - Nola's Story - A Story of Inspiration
9 minutes
Episode Image Episode 29 - Maryam Mirzakhani
5 minutes
Episode Image Episode 28 - An Interview with Dr. Becky Morgan
47 minutes
Episode Image Episode 27 - Thank You Cabrillo
7 minutes
Episode Image Episode 26 - A Conversation Between Kiley Roberson & Nicole Roth
25 minutes
Episode Image Episode 25 - Evelyn Granville
2 minutes
Episode Image Episode 24 - Sophie Germain
6 minutes
Episode Image Episode 23 - Alicia Boole Stott & Mary Everest Boole
6 minutes
Episode Image Episode 22 - A Conversation Between Rachel & Tori
15 minutes
Episode Image Episode 21 - Florence Nightingale
4 minutes
Episode Image Episode 20 - Marjorie Lee Browne
2 minutes
Episode Image Episode 19 - Euphemia Haynes
3 minutes
Episode Image Episode 18 - A Conversation Between Jasmine Darbhamulla & Katie Griffith
15 minutes
Episode Image Episode 17 - A Conversation Between Devin & Paris
26 minutes
Episode Image Episode 16 - A Conversation Between Two Sisters - Christina & Valeria Che
13 minutes
Episode Image Episode 15 - A Conversation Between Lourdes Gomez & Amanda Smart
23 minutes
Episode Image Episode 14 - Charlotte Angas Scott
9 minutes
Episode Image Episode 13 - Katherine Johnson
7 minutes
Episode Image Episode 12 - Emilie DuChatelet
4 minutes
Episode Image Episode 11 - A Conversation Between Katie Griffith & Tori Roberts
9 minutes
Episode Image Episode 10 - A Conversation Between Alison Day & Kate Deering
30 minutes
Episode Image Episode 9 - Conversation Between Alison Day & Amanda Shackelford
47 minutes
Episode Image Episode 7 - Alice Schafer
3 minutes
Episode Image Episode 8 - Ada Lovelace
3 minutes
Episode Image Episode 5 - Sofia Kovalevskaya
4 minutes
Episode Image Episode 6 - Hypatia
4 minutes
Episode Image Episode 4 - Lene Hau
4 minutes
Episode Image Episode 3 - Emmy Noether
5 minutes
Episode Image Episode 2 - A Conversation Between Alison Day & Katie Griffith
14 minutes
Episode Image Episode 1 - Maria Gaetana Agnesi
4 minutes