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Podcast Profile: Philosophy Sites

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4 episodes
2016 to 2018
Median: 19 minutes
Collection: Philosophy

Description (podcaster-provided):

Nigel Warburton interviews a range of experts on places associated with philosophers.

Themes and summary (AI-generated based on podcaster-provided show and episode descriptions):

➤ Philosophical landmarks • Historical significance • Expert discussions • Philosophers' lives • Cultural impact • Design and death • American and European philosophy

"Philosophy Sites" is a podcast hosted by Nigel Warburton that explores the intersections of philosophy, geography, and culture through interviews with experts on places associated with notable philosophers. Each episode delves into these historical and physical locations to provide deeper insights into the lives, thoughts, and legacies of different philosophical figures.

The podcast covers a wide range of philosophers, spanning from the transcendentalist Henry David Thoreau to the utilitarian Jeremy Bentham, the revolutionary Karl Marx, and the analytic philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein. It examines how these thinkers’ ideas were influenced by their environments and, conversely, how their presence has left an indelible mark on these sites.

Listeners can expect detailed discussions on unique and sometimes unusual aspects of these philosophers’ lives, such as Thoreau's solitary years at Walden Pond, and Bentham's wish for his body to become a relic-statue housed at University College London. The episodes also tackle the broader implications of these philosophers' works and personal choices, like Marx's struggle during his early years in Soho and Wittgenstein’s minimalist approach to his own grave.

Through expert commentary, the podcast illuminates how physical spaces and personal experiences shape philosophical thought and, in turn, how these philosophers have shaped cultural and intellectual landscapes. "Philosophy Sites" provides an engaging way to explore philosophy not just through texts and ideas but through the tangible and often poignant locations that hold historical significance.

John Kaag on Henry David Thoreau and Walden Pond
19 minutes
Philip Schofield on Jeremy Bentham's Auto-Icon
20 minutes
Jonathan Wolff on Marx in Soho
24 minutes
Ray Monk on Wittgenstein's Grave
16 minutes