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Podcast Profile: Blue Dot

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20 episodes
Median: 51 minutes
Collection: Science

Description (podcaster-provided):

Blue Dot, named after Carl Sagan's famous speech about our place in the universe, features interviews with guests from all over the regional, national and worldwide scientific communities. Host Dave Schlom leads discussions about the issues science is helping us address with experts who shed light on climate change, space exploration, astronomy, technology and much more. Dave asks us to remember: from deep space, we all live on a pale, blue dot.

Themes and summary (AI-generated based on podcaster-provided show and episode descriptions):

➤ Interviews with scientists and authors • Climate change • Space exploration • Astronomy • Technology • Environmental conservation • Earth science • Shark and whale studies • Bird conservation • Historical and archaeological research

"Blue Dot," hosted by Dave Schlom, is a podcast that delves into a diverse array of scientific topics, featuring interviews with experts from various scientific fields. Named after Carl Sagan's poignant speech about humanity’s place in the universe, the podcast spans discussions on both pressing contemporary issues and fascinating scientific phenomena.

Listeners can expect to encounter episodes that address significant historical events and their scientific implications, such as massive earthquakes. The podcast also shines a light on unique ecological and conservation topics, including studies of specific natural reserves, the efforts to save endangered species, and innovative conservation techniques.

Astronomical and celestial phenomena are recurring subjects with episodes exploring topics like the Drake Equation and the anticipation of solar eclipses. The host frequently engages with environmental scientists and ecologists to discuss the mechanisms by which nature perseveres amidst human-induced changes, highlighting themes of resilience and adaptation within ecosystems.

Episodes that feature in-depth conversations with authors of new scientific books bring additional depth and perspective to the show. These discussions often cover a broad spectrum of topics, from aquatic life and terrestrial ecology to palaeontology and ancient human species.

Content also extends to technological innovations and their interfaces with environmental science and space exploration. The subject matter ranges from examining the life and behavior of remarkable wildlife, such as eagles and vultures, to deep ocean explorations involving sharks.

In essence, "Blue Dot" offers an eclectic mix of episodes that combine historical analysis, current scientific research, and explorations of nature with a focus on understanding the broader implications for humanity and the planet. The episodes encourage a perspective shift, asking listeners to contemplate our existence as seen from “a pale, blue dot” in the vastness of space. Through this lens, the podcast fosters a deeper appreciation and understanding of the interconnections within our world and beyond.

Blue Dot: In memoriam: Blue Dot's 2022 tribute to Ed Stone
51 minutes
Blue Dot: 1906: The Great Northern California Earthquake Pt. 2
51 minutes
Blue Dot: 1906: The Great Northern California Earthquake Pt. 1
51 minutes
Blue Dot: One of California's truly special places: Angelo Coast Range Reserve
51 minutes
Blue Dot: The Rescue Effect: a conversation with author and environmental scientist Michael Mehta Webster
51 minutes
Blue Dot: The process of subduction with geophysicist Magali Billen, UC Davis
51 minutes
Best of Blue Dot: Whale-SETI: a communications interaction with Twain the Humpback Whale
51 minutes
Blue Dot: Eagles 101: the lives of eagles and the eagle cam phenomenon!
51 minutes
Blue Dot: Musings on the Moon with author Christopher Cokinos
51 minutes
Episode Image Best of Blue Dot: Here Begins The Dark Sea: a conversation with author Meredith F. Small on the Fra Mauro map
51 minutes
Episode Image Blue Dot: The amazing undersea world of sharks with Dave Ebert, aka "The Lost Shark Guy"
51 minutes
Blue Dot: Nature's soaring scavengers: the Vulture Family
51 minutes
Best of Blue Dot: The story of America's first women astronauts with Loren Grush
51 minutes
Blue Dot: State of the Drake Equation in 2024: The search for extraterrestrial intelligence (Part Two)
51 minutes
Blue Dot: State of the Drake Equation in 2024: The search for extraterrestrial intelligence (Part One)
51 minutes
Best of Blue Dot: Preparing for the next Great American Eclipse: a visit with Rick Fienberg
51 minutes
Blue Dot: Riparian restoration with River Partners
51 minutes
Blue Dot: Exploring the ancient world of the Neanderthals with Ludovic Slimak
51 minutes
Best of Blue Dot: Drs. Hall joins forces to talk about "Science and Nonsense"
51 minutes
Blue Dot: Education and research at the UC Natural Reserves System and National Parks
51 minutes