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Podcast Profile: Talking Science

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9 episodes
Median: 26 minutes
Collection: Science

Description (podcaster-provided):

Talking Science provides great scientists and great science communicators with a relaxed forum to talk about their work, their influences, inspirations and irritations.

Themes and summary (AI-generated based on podcaster-provided show and episode descriptions):

➤ Discussions with scientists and authors • Exploration of space and astronomy • Interviews on STEM advancements • Dialogues with Nobel laureates • Insights into scientific research and pioneers

"Talking Science" is a podcast that offers a relaxed platform for prominent scientists and influential science communicators to share their work, their motivations, and their frustrations. The show features a diverse array of discussions, highlighting both their groundbreaking research and personal experiences. The episodes span a range of scientific topics and often bring together well-known authors, researchers, and broadcasters.

The content of this podcast is rich with dialogues surrounding significant scientific achievements, literary contributions to science communication, and introspective discussions on the lives of scientists. Notable episodes cover vast areas like astronomy, where experts delve into space exploration and the challenges associated with it. Several episodes feature conversations with individuals who have played key roles in historical scientific achievements, such as space shuttle missions and the complexities of living in space.

Another recurring theme is the exploration of science through literature, with authors discussing their popular science books and the process of making complex scientific ideas accessible to a broader audience. Discussions often touch on the authors' inspirations for writing and their personal narratives that underpin their work. Additionally, the podcast features conversations about groundbreaking research in fields such as stem cell research and ethology, providing insights into both the scientific discoveries and the researchers' personal journeys.

Listeners will also find episodes focused on philosophical reflections on science, where the interplay between science and broader existential questions is explored. Through these dialogues, the podcast not only informs but also provokes thought about the intersection of science with daily life and broader societal implications.

In summary, "Talking Science" offers a rich tapestry of conversations centered around significant scientific research, the personal stories of scientists, and the broader impact of science on society. It serves as a platform for understanding the human side of scientific endeavors and how science communicates with the world at large.

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Andy Thomas talks with Richard Smith: 1
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Andy Thomas talks with Richard Smith: 2
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Alan Trounson talks with Robyn Williams
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Jane Goodall talks with Robyn Williams
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Peter Doherty and Alain de Botton talk with Bernie Hobbs and Paul Willis
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