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Podcast Profile: Conversations at the Center

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6 episodes
Median: 29 minutes
Collection: Philosophy

Description (podcaster-provided):

The mission of the Center for Philosophy of Science is to foster the development of the best, new work in philosophy of science. In so far as the flourishing of philosophy of science internationally will generate more of the best work in philosophy of science, The Center seeks to propagate an understanding of the methods and achievements of this work to a broader academic audience.
This podcast is to promote our work, as well as the work of our visiting fellows and guests of the Center.
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Themes and summary (AI-generated based on podcaster-provided show and episode descriptions):

➤ Philosophy of science discussions • Interviews with philosophers and researchers • Topics: attention, perception, action, schizophrenia, introspection, physics, biology, epistemology • Upcoming conferences • Visiting fellows' work

"Conversations at the Center" is a podcast produced by the Center for Philosophy of Science at the University of Pittsburgh, aimed at fostering the development and dissemination of new work in the philosophy of science. The show is hosted by Edouard Machery, the Director of the Center, who engages in conversations with various scholars and researchers deeply immersed in the field.

The content of the podcast spans numerous aspects of the philosophy of science, with specific episodes featuring discussions on contemporary issues, theoretical developments, and the intersections between philosophy and other scientific disciplines. The guests include distinguished professors, visiting fellows, and researchers who bring a wealth of expertise and insight into their areas of specialization.

Recurring themes across the podcast episodes include the philosophy of physics, with particular emphasis on the historical and philosophical analysis of theories such as relativity and quantum mechanics. Cognitive science and neuroscience also feature prominently, especially in discussions about attention, perception, action, and mental health conditions such as schizophrenia.

Another significant focus area is the philosophy of biology and medicine, where guests delve into evolutionary biology, values in science, and the epistemological underpinnings of scientific practices. The podcast also explores pragmatism, feminist perspectives within scientific discourse, and the broader implications of science in societal contexts.

Episodes often highlight the ongoing research, academic contributions, and forthcoming publications of the guests, providing listeners with insights into cutting-edge developments within these fields. Additionally, the podcast occasionally promotes upcoming events and conferences hosted by the Center, aimed at furthering dialogue and collaboration among scholars of philosophy of science.

"Conversations at the Center" serves as a platform for intellectual exchange and aims to broaden the understanding and appreciation of philosophy of science among a wider academic audience. The show emphasizes interdisciplinary dialogue and the propagation of philosophical methods and achievements in science.

Episode Image Conversations at the Center: Edouard Machery & Wayne Wu
29 minutes
Episode Image Conversations at the Center: Edouard Machery and John Norton
29 minutes
Episode Image Conversations at the Center: Edouard Machery and Alison McConwell
25 minutes
Episode Image Conversations at the Center: Edouard Machery and Jacob Stegenga
30 minutes
Episode Image Conversations at the Center: Edouard Machery & Sandra Mitchell
30 minutes
Episode Image Conversations at the Center: Edouard Machery & Arnon Levy
28 minutes